Corporate Governance

Ensuring transparency and accountability

At EOGEPL (Essar Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Ltd.), we follow strong corporate governance practices to uphold transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct within our organisation.

Our corporate governance framework includes:

Board of Directors

Our experienced and diverse Board of Directors provides strategic oversight and ensures compliance with laws, regulations, and best practices. They safeguard the interests of our shareholders and guide the company's operations and performance.

Code of ethics & conduct

EOGEPL’s code of ethics and conduct establishes guidelines for ethical decision-making, professionalism, and integrity throughout our organisation. It ensures that our employees, officers, and directors maintain the highest standards of behavior.

Risk management

By proactively managing potential challenges, we safeguard our operations, stability, and strategic objectives

Compliance & regulatory environment

EOGEPL operates in full compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards. We ensure that we meet legal requirements and build trust with regulators and stakeholders.

Sustainability & Social Responsibility

Sustainability & social responsibility

We embrace our responsibility to minimise our environmental impact and contribute positively to the communities where we operate. Our corporate governance practices integrate sustainability considerations into our decision-making processes, fostering long-term environmental and social sustainability.


Essar Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Ltd.


Environment Clearance Compliance Reports